24 Oct

In the West, those with dreams, creativity and brilliance are at the greatest risk. The system, driven by capitalism, does not welcome those who dare to dream beyond its confines. True dreamers, those with vision, creativity, and potential are considered a threat and dangerous to the system built on control and exploitation. Instead of nurturing such talent, the system seeks to suppress, sabotage, or break it, forcing dreamers to abandon their personal visions and labor for the capitalist machine.

If you dare to dream, you become a target. The system will find your weaknesses and hit you where it hurts the most. The goal is to break you to make you give up your dreams and surrender your soul, living a suppressed reality that benefits the very forces you sought to escape. In this matrix, to hold onto your dreams and purpose is a revolutionary act.

In the world we live in today, true dreamers, the creative, the 

How the System Targets Dreamers

1. Misjudged and Imprisoned: The Dreamers Behind Bars.

  • Many people in prison today are not criminals by nature, but individuals misjudged and misunderstood by a society that offers no place for their brilliance. The system doesn't care for creativity or nonconformity, it sees these qualities as a threat.
  • Some are imprisoned because they dared to live outside the rules of the capitalist machine, rejecting the rat race, challenging the status quo, or trying the edge by a system that gives them no way out.
  • The Rich as thieves with blood on their hands
  • When you show your brilliance, your ability to think creatively, innovate, or dream beyond the system's boundaries, but the system doesn't celebrate you. Instead, it sees you as a threat that must be neutralised.
  • It studies your vulnerabilities, whether financial struggles, mental health, or emotional insecurities and uses them to break you. it wears you down with stress, debt, and distractions, forcing you into survival mode. In survival, you have no energy left to pursue your dreams.

2. Suppressing Creativity and Imposing Limitations

  • The system makes it difficult for creatives and visionary individuals to thrive independently. High costs of living, endless bills, and lack of access to opportunities force many dreamers to abandon their calling and work jobs that serve the capitalist system.
  • Gatekeeping through institutions; from the art world to tech to academia ensures that only those willing to conform succeed. Those who challenge the status quo are either ignored  or pushed out.

3. The System's Strategy: Destroy the Dreamers

  • When you show the system your brilliance, it responds not with support but with fear. It identifies your potential, studies your weaknesses, and attacks you where you are most vulnerable mentally, emotionally, or financially.
  • The system wears you down with endless stress, forcing you to abandon your dreams and conform to its demands. If you refuse, it will do everything in it's power to break you, isolating you, suppressing your creativity, or even imprisoning you.

The Emotional and Spiritual Toll: Living in Suppressed Reality

The real tragedy isn't just the loss of dreams, it's the slow death of the soul. When a person is forced to abandon their calling, they don't just lose their dream, they lose a part of themselves.

Imprisoned in Life, Even Without Bars: Many dreamers, unable to break free from the system's grip, live lives of quiet despair, trapped in careers and lifestyles they never wanted, slowly suffocating under the weight of conformity.

Selling the Soul for Survival: Those who choose survival over authenticity pay a heavy price. The soul knows when it has been sold, and no amount of wealth or comfort can heal the emptiness within.

A Call for Accountability: Who Are the Real Criminals?

The system is quick to lock up those who break its rules, but it turns a blind eye to the greatest crimes of all the exploitation, greed, and injustice carried out by the wealthy and powerful. These individuals are thieves in every sense of the word, robbing people of their livelihoods, dreams and dignity. They are no better than those who were once stoned to death for their crimes.

  • The Innocent Behind Bars: Many sitting in prison cells today are victims of a system that never gave them a chance, judged and discarded by a society that misunderstood their potential. Their only crime was not fitting into a world that demands conformity.
  • The Rich Protected by the System: Meanwhile, those with wealth and power walk free, their crimes hidden behind corporate walls and legal loopholes. destroyed to build their empires.

These are the real criminals, but instead of being held accountable, they are celebrated as success stories. This is the harsh truth of the modern world: those who destroy are rewarded, those who dare to dream are punished.

The Path Forward: Awaken and Reclaim Your Soul

The system will not change by itself, it was designed to protect the powerful and crush the dreamers. The only way out is to awaken. To recognise the truth of the world we live in and reclaim your mind, your dreams, and your soul.

  1. Refuse to Play Their Game: Don't trade your dreams for comfort or security. The system wanted you to conform and refuse it. Live authentically, even if it means taking the harder path.
  2. Hold the Real Criminals Accountable: Recognise who the real thieves are, those who profit from the suffering of others. Speak the truth, expose their crimes, and refuse to participate in their systems of exploitation.
  3. Free Yourself from Mental Prisons: Even if the system imprisons your body, it can't imprison your mind. The revolution begins with your inner awakening. Reclaim your power and refuse to let the system break your spirit.
  4. Build a New Way of Living: Find others who are awakening, dreamers like you who refuse to conform. Together, can create new systems of support and community, outside the matrix of exploitation.

Conclusion: Awaken Before It's Too Late

The dreamers, the brilliant, the creative are the people the systems fears most. It hunts them down, misjudges them, imprisons them, or forces them into suppressed lives. Meanwhile, the real criminals, the wealthy elite continue to spill the blood of the innocent and profit from the destruction of dreams.

But the time to awaken is now. The only way to escape this trap is to redeem your soul and refuse to play the system's rules. If you don't awaken, you risk becoming another prisoner of the matrix, whether behind bars or living a life that isn't your own.

The Future belongs to those who refuses to surrender their dreams. Will you awaken, or will you let the system win? The choice is yours. Stand up, dream freely, and reclaim your power because nothing is worth the price of your soul.

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